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Ezkapaz: Escape Game
Ezkapaz offers a unique setting to test the limits of your abilities. You and your team have 60 minutes to use your observation, teamwork and problem solving skills to achieve the goal.

Échappe-Toi, immersive adventure
You are locked up with your team for 1 hour.
Will you be strong-minded enough to get out?
Echappe-Toi is a unique immersive gaming experience in Montreal!
All the rooms are bilingual (English and French).
During the game, members assign roles and responsibilities and use teamwork to solve problems in a stimulating and fun environment. The only objective: succeed in escaping!
Communication, cleverness, analytical thinking and observation are the keys to an exceptional experience!
At first glance, nothing seems to make sense, but after a moment of observation, you discover a series of codes and puzzles which, if solved in time, will allow you escape. All codes and puzzles are proposed both in English and French in all the rooms.
To date, more than 30,000 players and several hundred each week have played the Immersive Adventures of Echappe-Toi Montreal!
Only 3% of participants have found their freedom in time. Do you have what it takes to escape?
Will you be strong-minded enough to get out?
Echappe-Toi is a unique immersive gaming experience in Montreal!
All the rooms are bilingual (English and French).
During the game, members assign roles and responsibilities and use teamwork to solve problems in a stimulating and fun environment. The only objective: succeed in escaping!
Communication, cleverness, analytical thinking and observation are the keys to an exceptional experience!
At first glance, nothing seems to make sense, but after a moment of observation, you discover a series of codes and puzzles which, if solved in time, will allow you escape. All codes and puzzles are proposed both in English and French in all the rooms.
To date, more than 30,000 players and several hundred each week have played the Immersive Adventures of Echappe-Toi Montreal!
Only 3% of participants have found their freedom in time. Do you have what it takes to escape?

A/Maze: Escape game
A/Maze is great a test of your survival skills and problem solving. Experience a situation you will never encounter in real life. Imagine 1926 prison with metal cell bars, solitary room and evidence board on the wall. Or a secret lab of a genius who went crazy and decided e to destroy the world. Sounds like a computer game? But it is as real as it can get.
Each scenario exists in its own reality. You have to find clues, crack codes, solve puzzles and most importantly – work as a team in order to pass all the challenges. False clues and misleading trails, deadlocks and blind leads will consume your time and test your patience. Everything has its consequences. The game time is limited, so there is barely any time to fool around - the countdown begins as soon as you enter the room.
Prove your worthiness. Veni Vidi Vici and don’t forget to escape before it is too late.
Each scenario exists in its own reality. You have to find clues, crack codes, solve puzzles and most importantly – work as a team in order to pass all the challenges. False clues and misleading trails, deadlocks and blind leads will consume your time and test your patience. Everything has its consequences. The game time is limited, so there is barely any time to fool around - the countdown begins as soon as you enter the room.
Prove your worthiness. Veni Vidi Vici and don’t forget to escape before it is too late.
Today's events

Laser Quest Montreal
Soyez prêts pour beaucoup de plaisirs et de divertissement en famille! Nous sommes situés au 1226 rue Ste-Catherine Ouest, entre la rue DelaMontagne et Drummond.- Pour trouver le chemin le plus simple pour venir nous rendre visite, vous pouvez cliquez sur l’onglet « Directions » ci-dessous.
Laser Quest Montréal est le choix idéal pour les anniversaires, les groupes de jeunes, les fêtes d’équipe, les activités de financement et les activités de renforcement de l’esprit d’équipe. Voyez de quoi profitent les membres du Club des joueurs.
Nous sommes des spécialistes pour les [anniversaires], peu importe l’âge! Laser Quest Montréal est le lieu ultime pour les fêtes d'équipe de vos [événements sportifs], de [groupes jeunesse], [événements corporatifs], [troupes scouts], sorties pour [camp de jour], excursions scolaires éducatives, et les événements de renforcement d’esprits d’équipe pour votre entreprise. Les réservations sont fortement recommandées.
Laser Quest Montréal est le choix idéal pour les anniversaires, les groupes de jeunes, les fêtes d’équipe, les activités de financement et les activités de renforcement de l’esprit d’équipe. Voyez de quoi profitent les membres du Club des joueurs.
Nous sommes des spécialistes pour les [anniversaires], peu importe l’âge! Laser Quest Montréal est le lieu ultime pour les fêtes d'équipe de vos [événements sportifs], de [groupes jeunesse], [événements corporatifs], [troupes scouts], sorties pour [camp de jour], excursions scolaires éducatives, et les événements de renforcement d’esprits d’équipe pour votre entreprise. Les réservations sont fortement recommandées.

Find the key, escape game
Get your friends, work colleagues or family and let's have the best time together in Downtown Montreal.
"Escape Room" game concept has been around for a while in the electronic gaming world, but only lately the Real Life version of it began to have huge popularity across the globe.
The idea is simple: You and your friends find yourselves locked in a room. The goal of the game is to Find The Key that will set you free. You have to use logic, and the environment around you to find clues, codes, and hidden objects. This is where your detective skills have to come into play.
Problem solving and brainstorming skills will get you closer and closer to the final objective.
It's not easy. You will have to work together with your team mates against the clock. Only a few managed to find the key and escape the room, but regardless of the outcome, we guarantee the best time you could have. Intense, entertaining, rewarding.
"Escape Room" game concept has been around for a while in the electronic gaming world, but only lately the Real Life version of it began to have huge popularity across the globe.
The idea is simple: You and your friends find yourselves locked in a room. The goal of the game is to Find The Key that will set you free. You have to use logic, and the environment around you to find clues, codes, and hidden objects. This is where your detective skills have to come into play.
Problem solving and brainstorming skills will get you closer and closer to the final objective.
It's not easy. You will have to work together with your team mates against the clock. Only a few managed to find the key and escape the room, but regardless of the outcome, we guarantee the best time you could have. Intense, entertaining, rewarding.

Grévin Museum
The Musée Grévin now contains some 120 characters arranged in scenes from the history of Canada from Jacques Cartier and modern life, movie stars and international figures such as Elizabeth II, Scarlett Johansson, Albert Einstein, Lady Gaga, Mahatma Gandhi, Donald Sutherland, Leonardo DiCaprio or Naomi Campbell.

Horizon Roc
Un essai d'escalade dans un des plus grands centres d'escalade et activités en hauteur au MONDE! ( à partir de 5 ans)
Horizon Roc vous offre de vous amuser en hauteur peu importe votre niveau d'habileté physique.
Nous avons des parois et parcours de tous les niveaux pour que vous trouviez votre plaisir à la verticale. Une opportunité de se tester et se dépasser.
Vous grimpez et nos moniteurs s'occupent de la sécurité.
1h30, maximum 6 personnes par groupe
possibilité tous les jours à partir de 9h30 selon disponibilité.
peut être suivi d'un passage dans l'Acro-Parc avec un tarif spécial
Reservation requise.

Boulzeye: Laser Tag, pool, bowling
Laser Tag arena, Bowling Lounge, Billiards sports bar and "Le 2e" reception hall and meeting room, tha's the BoulZeye in Montréal.

La Décalade est une activité sportive qui consiste à descendre des parois verticales tant en milieux urbains que naturels en effectuant une descente contrôlée face au sol ! Voici une activité hors du commun qui vous permettra de dépasser vos limites et de surmonter vos peurs ! Une expérience À LA MISSION IMPOSSIBLE avec l’ÉQUIPE de spécialistes (Team Heavy Ride) de l'Association Canadienne de Décalade et de Mountain Cross. Décaladez du haut de structures vertigineuses en toute SÉCURITÉ afin de vivre des émotions qui vous transformeront! Sécuritaire, l’activité *DÉCALADE* est idéale pour ceux qui sont à la recherche de défis inhabituels procurant une décharge d’adrénaline assurée !
Voir les horaires ici
Voir les horaires ici

Trapped, escape game
La plus grande salle d'évasion urbaine à Montréal. Nous apportons un effet de fantaisie ainsi que des scénarios dignes du cinéma, tout cela, dans un contexte réel. Dans nos jeux, nous prêtons attention à la qualité de chaque détail. En fait, l'ensemble de nos thèmes est spécialement conçu par notre designer japonais d'Osaka pour créer une expérience d'évasion immersive 5D que vous ne serez pas prêt d'oublier!

Super Aqua Club
Le Super Aqua Club est le spécialiste du plaisir aquatique à seulement 30 minutes de Montréal. Touchez à l'eau et redevenez un enfant !

Parc aquatique Mont Saint-Sauveur
More than 20 water slides and Viking the Alpine Coaster : the best aquaclub near Montreal. Food services and camping are also available.