This description is only available in French. 24 mars. 19h 20 $ 60 $ Passport Prendre Place : Accès illimité aux huit performances Première québécoise Inspirée par notre peur de mourir et sanctionnant la notion de pureté de notre société, l’œuvre de l’artiste américaine Francis Marion Mosely Wilson (fmmw) intitulée lectures on flesh and death (l.o.fad) est née de ses recherches personnelles. Amorçant sa performance avec deux animaux morts inaltérés, elle les dépouille de leur peau, les déconstruit et les reconstruit au moyen de techniques de taxidermie traditionnelles, puis leur greffe des membres de peluches d’enfant. Elle les ressuscite en créatures hybrides servant d’objets d’art, de prototypes ou de trophées. Ses gestes s’accompagnent d’un monologue et d’une trame sonore mêlant littérature posthumaniste, contes pour enfants ainsi que ses propres témoignages évoquant rites mortuaires et expériences avec la mort. Diplômée du Conservatoire d’Oberlin et de l’Université Brunel, fmmw a recours à la taxidermie et aux arts de la scène comme critique culturelle pratique pour explorer la façon dont notre société cherche constamment à aseptiser la mort et à en effacer la moindre trace. Pendant quatre ans, elle a travaillé au service d’un taxidermiste de la campagne de l’Ohio. Ses œuvres sont présentées à l’échelle locale et internationale. + + + March 24, 7 p.m. 20 $ 60 $ Taking Place Passport: Illimited access to all 8 performances Quebec premiere Inspired by humanity’s fear of death and taking action against society’s notions of purity, lectures on flesh and death (l.o.fad) arose from American artist Francis Marion Mosely Wilson (fmmw) personal research. Commencing her performance with two intact dead animals, the artist skins, deconstructs and reconstructs them using traditional taxidermy techniques and pieces from children’s toys, “resurrecting” the resulting hybrids as art objects, specimens, or trophies. Accompanying the action is a monologue and soundtrack blending post-humanist literature, children’s tales and the artist’s testimonies on encounters with death and death rituals. A graduate of Oberlin Conservatory and Brunel University, fmmw employs taxidermy and performance as hands-on cultural critique to explore how our society seeks to sanitize and undo the evidence of death. She spent four years working under a taxidermist in rural Ohio, and has performed locally and internationally. / / / Taking Place Performance Art Series The search for who we are is often fuelled by a need to find a place where we belong. The notion of place in Canada in 2017 will be significant. Narratives particular to belonging and to social cohesion will be critical. Taking Place is a performance art series conceived as a means to group together eight significant performance artists from around the globe under one roof precisely at a time when the notion of place becomes especially relevant. Place as address, as geography, as territorial attachment. Community. Taking Place was also conceived as a means to reference civil rights and liberation movements, of inclusiveness. Taking one’s place at a time when the notion of equity is equally as climacteric. Intersection, social identity and indefinite borders.Tags : arts